The best film Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a statement that "the best ever performance by Jai Courtney in a movie": both have the functional form of a compliment, but I'm not really say much that is Y are both free. real Terminator: Genesis, the little film that could not currently on track to become one of the 2015 box-office failures more obvious and embarrassing.

But that's not all ... ... right. It is probably so that Genisys is more wrong than right places, it takes a terrible title (derived from a mark in the film designed for maximum marketing effect, but it makes it no less unpleasant). But not only bad things, and some of its successes is really time to complete the first half of the movie on Netflix to see a few months from now is worth. Hell is also worth a trip to the theater dollars, dollars if there are theaters where you live. Let generous.
The plot is a busy casino, but the main thing is that in California ravaged by war in 2029, to destroy the human resistance leader John Connor's artificial intelligence system Skynet hurt, but can, Skynet sends a murderess named T -800 Robot in time to the year 1984. Its mission is to kill the mother, Sarah Connor, when he was only 20 years old, defenseless. Connor sends his right hand, timeline Kyle Reese save the history, only time Reese arrive, the events of the first three films were so badly damaged that Sarah is now a bad ass warrior with an aging called Pops T-800 (Schwarzenegger himself) as his protectors and companions, and moved to the end of 1997 to 2017 time machine which happily prepared for such a situation offers its path into the future with the hope to stop the Doomsday occurs, even though the fight Skynet two different periods in order to maintain its existence and to destroy all the people.
And "literally can handle more concise version of Laeta Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier scripts are talking about one of the biggest problems with Genisys who want evil with a great story to tell epic, but get caught up in the details. In the end, the only internal logic" working trip like this in this scene, because he told me that he makes "a tired, begging our indulgence in the promise too much of what the hell is going on, not thinking. When the history of the country in 2017, the film has given up trying tell a clear story, and became a pharmacy for setpieces measures that are not really the best, there are many obstacles in the publishing and the stakes have never clearly in a scene by scene basis at any level higher than "try not to die."
By 2017, but it's actually done pretty well to Genisys be pretty good. The best writers and director Alan Taylor does for much of the first half hour or so to present it as a remix of the plot points and specific since 1984 the visual effects of Terminator, so that the faithful can relax in the first movie franchise begins with rules against us (those who have not yet invested in the series must run, that's a lot of fan service without complex) rewrite. And "intelligent than anything else in the film, the hardest part of our audience and more willing to use this connection to its end, with material from a remake as a way to delve into their history rather than just confidence in nostalgia. When it starts to breaking the old form of Terminator, it is wise, said addresses is as idiots who need to hear things to get us several times, but you can take shifts and understand what makes them important. Nothing else the rest of the movie using one of of these, which is one of the major sins film. But at least it's fun, and then it was just that the film was going, I was fully prepared to sing the praises of this Genisys as a creative solution to a question never asked: how We can do something new this sandbox, such as Terminator Salvation was not clear how to do it?
Moreover, in the first half, the action scenes are very funny, but openly indebted to T2; the villain of the first third of the film, for no other reason than "because it's cool," is a change from metal T-1000 and the action scenes more tense and exciting circuits now surrounding this character - is decide that we almost foreign territory, since when you have started to copy the James Cameron, can not be stopped, such as chips, as a trap for the T-1000, which is based on a series of scars from sharp metal fingers, it is a beautiful reminder of traces of metal casing horror that some of the that made the first two Terminator so emotional was memorable, except that the only place where the 2015 CGI bring the creature's life is as good as CGI, 1991.
The other thing that the film gives Schwarzenegger goes straight back and find a way to do that is not transparent idiot. Overall, the "good" in the most surly human contingent of the film: Emilia Clarke, sometimes playing as a child in a hero of the film, and the strength of Courtney nothing in the newspaper far from perfect and friendly available. But I had no problem seeing the screen there. But his co-star is a pleasure to return to one of his greatest roles in the company. A robot without emotion is a showcase for the sense of an actor with great comic timing, but even with this limitation, Schwarzenegger course the explosion put a spin without the express corny jokes in the movie to start your journey. Frivolity unblinking performance and role in the parody of the classic board game Terminator recipes, but with a film that goes off the rails when taken seriously, a little "fantasy frivolous, even in the form of an evil machine is exactly what must save at least Genisys watchable.
Why oh, what's off the rails. I true that everything is confused, but I do not think it's worth a lot about how time travel in this franchise, because the information in this franchise, because we certainly put more he thought Kalogridis and Lussier done. What happens is that the surface is solid, with minimal unexpected shocks - the great turning spoiled by the hype would have been hard to see that come to nothing except the plot developments required meaningless existence without any form of back heel and staging the action really boring. The climactic battle on Terminator Terminator is damn ugly in its colors, its cheap, faulty edition CGI. But it is not as painful as the time stupid "bus flip" as shown in the ads that this experience would ultimately useless.
Of course, another strong. Good performance of two, actually: J. K. Simmons is a real pleasure as a conspiracy-minded former police officer, but the plot hardly affect and simply disappear from the film, in which the reduced contributions and actions recoil fun this movie is good, and there really is not much but it's something. Just a little "something. When it comes to the construction of the world and the development of a satisfactory time diaries is that junk food action movie, frankly, with the exception of a stretch of twenty minutes in the first film is a failure Genisys full, and his unexpected delight margin is not enough for this film to the standards of their predecessors.
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